Want to convince an antivaxxer to take the COVID-19 vaccine? Here’s how you do it.

Convincing an antivaxxer to take the vaccine is a Herculean task. There are two paths you can take.

Ark Abhyudaya
2 min readNov 1, 2021
Art I found on the internet.
  1. A lot of antivaxxers tend to be extremely stubborn and aren’t willing to change their stance. They have “done their own research” and will never, never believe in science or anything logical whatsoever.

What will you do in that case?

Nothing. There’s absolutely nothing that would make them sit up, take notice of people dying everywhere and come to the realization that vaccination is essential.

They have decided they’ll take their chances with the virus. Fine. Let them go ahead and do whatever they want to do. Yes, it sounds cruel, but they have chosen their, ahem, fate (pardon for the lack of better phrasing).

2. Many folks happen to be against the vaccine, but aren’t completely opposed to it. With few statements, you can change their stance.

Use rhetorical questions.

Many antivaxxers tend to use the line. Yeah, the dreaded line which has been the bane of many a sane man. What’s this line? I think you know it.

“I have done my own research.”

Well, if they have done their own research, do they do their own research before:

  • Buying a new brand of toothpaste?
  • Making a Quora/Reddit/4chan account, knowing all the dangers posed by the internet?
  • Hailing a cab?
  • Using gym equipment?
  • Birthing babies?

…And so on.

Doesn’t work? Well, then show them actual research. Show them all the resources you have access to. Here are a few helpful links:

https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/risk-comms-updates/update45-vaccines-developement.pdf?sfvrsn=13098bfc_5 https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/presentation/presentation-how-are-covid-19-vaccines-developed-marco-cavaleri_en.pdf https://www.mountsinai.org/files/MSHealth/Assets/HS/About/Coronavirus/MSHS_COVID-19-Vaccine-Infographic.pdf

There are some amazing answers here on this site which detail the working of the vaccine in layperson’s terms. Look up “how do vaccines work” in the search bar and you’ll find the relevant answers that detail the entire procedure very well.

It might be hard, but if you convince them to take the vaccine, you might save a life. Good luck!

(Originally posted on Quora: https://qr.ae/pGx3DB)



Ark Abhyudaya

Teen, Libertarian, INTJ, South Asian. I write on Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Ark-Abhyudaya. Author of ‘Xeno Light: The Exodus’.